Sunday, 1 April 2012

Thursday saw our first meeting with church representatives - many thanks to all who attended. We now have representatives for 13 churches in the Barrow area. If you'd like to represent your church or organisation please contact us at You can download a volunteer form here.  A meeting for organisation representatives is being organised and will take place after Easter.

What do reps do? - 
Reps play a very important role within the foodbank. In brief, we would ask you to
  • set up a food collection point within your church or workplace together with a poster, initial shopping lists, volunteer forms and gift aid forms
  • Encourage people to sign up for our newsletter electronically on our website, and to visit the blog and facebook
  • Arrange for collected food to be delivered to the warehouse for sorting and storing. you can either bring it to the foodbank Mondays to Fridays between 10am and 12noon or to contact us to arrange for us to collect it. 
  • Give any information for the newsletter or blog to us, email it to
  • Encourage fundraising! Fundraising ideas are on the website but they're just a starting point - contact us if you have any ideas
  • Let us know how the foodbank is/is not working for your church or organisation. Feedback is important as it raises standards
  • And for church reps, please encourage your church to pray for the foodbank. For those who work there and for all the people we serve. 


Volunteer training has been organised for Monday 30th April in the drop-in centre at Abbey Road Baptist Church.
Training for voucher holders will take place in the morning, this should take around an hour, and drop-in centre volunteers in the afternoon. A light lunch will be provided for both groups at 12.30.

If you'd like to volunteer but aren't available at drop-in opening times, please still contact us as warehouse hours are varied and flexible and no ongoing commitment is needed.

Warehouse Progress

The warehouse is now fully decorated and shelving ordered. It's so exciting to be able to say this. The team is slowly but steadily climbing the mountain of tasks that need to be done in order for us to begin operating and we're getting ever closer. Huge thanks to all those who've volunteeered and expressed support, please continue to tell others about us.

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