Food: Check out our shopping list to see what we take, in order to provide nutritionally balanced food for 3 days. Remember all food needs to be non-perishable so please nothing fresh or that requires refrigerating. Food also needs to be in date and we cannot give out food in damaged tins or packaging. Any donations large or small are gratefully received. Please take your items to a collection point (see rep list below) or deliver directly to the Foodbank at Abbey Road Baptist Church (entrance around the rear). We can collect bulk donations.
Financial: The foodbank gives food free to those in crisis, but our warehousing and distribution costs money. Any gift goes a long way in helping us to continue giving out food.
Donate by post
Please make cheques payable to: Barrow Foodbank
Please make cheques payable to: Barrow Foodbank
send them to:
Barrow FoodBankAbbey Road Baptist ChurchAbbey Road, Barrow-in-Furness
Cumbria, LA14 5EY
Please gift aid your donation by returning a completed gift aid form to us... thank you!
Any questions about donations, please email
Regular giving
We believe in creating sustainable projects that have a lasting impact. Your regular gifts enable us to plan ahead and commit to projects. It’s also an easy way to manage your giving.
We believe in creating sustainable projects that have a lasting impact. Your regular gifts enable us to plan ahead and commit to projects. It’s also an easy way to manage your giving.
We always need volunteers and any time you can offer us, either regular time or a one-off few hours is very much appreciated. Please contact us at if you'd like to help out
The drop in centre will be open from 10-12 every Monday to Friday. We're looking for volunteers to welcome clients and provide a friendly face and ear, make tea and toast, give out food bags, and any other day to day activities. Full training is given. Please contact us if you're interested in helping out.
A CRB check is required by law for anyone working in the drop in, this will be arranged by the foodbank
Warehouse hours are more flexible if you'd like to help but aren't available at drop-in times. Work in the warehouse includes sorting through food donations and stacking on shelves in date orders, packing emergency food boxes and restocking cupboards for the drop in. Extra volunteers will be needed at busy times such as after supermarket drives and during the Harvest festival.
Core Team Posts
If you'd like to be involved in foodbank in an organisational capacity, we are looking to fill posts on the core team. Specifically we are looking for an a Fundraising Co-Ordinator. If you have any skills in these areas or any times to give please email either or
Organisation, Work and Church Representatives
If you would like to represent your organisation or church, this role will largely involve setting up a collection point in your place of work or worship and making information leaflets and shopping lists available for people to take. Reps can either bring collected food into the foodbank or contact us and we will collect.
Places we currently have a representative for:
Organisations, groups and clubs:
- Social Services
- Environmental Health
- Barrow and Furness Pensioners association
- Barrow Job Centre
- Barrow Fire Brigade
- St Johns, Barrow Island
- St James, Hindpool
- St Marys, Walney
- St Marys RC church
- St Aidans
- Emmanuel Community Church
- St Pius X
- Abbey Road Baptist Church
- St Marks, Rawlinson Street